Apr 15, 2011

Droidippy Android FAQ

What kind of an FAQ is this?

This is the FAQ for the Android interface to the Diplomacy like game Droidippy.

For gameplay questions that are the same regardless of interface, go to Droidippy Gameplay FAQ.

How do I join a game?

When you first start the application, press 'Menu' and then 'Play' and 'Join random game'. You will be duly warned about having to know what you are getting into, and then you will get the option to rank the European great powers of 1901 according to how much you want to play them in the game.

How do I chat?

You use the black arrows at the bottom of the map view to switch mode between map, chat and orders. In the chat view you will be able to talk to any other player one on one, or with all of the players at the same time in the 'Conference' channel.

You will also be able to select if you want a draw, or if you give up, using the 'Intent' spinner.

And how do I give orders to my units?

You can pinch to zoom and pan on the map, and when you long click (more than 1/2 second) your own units (those starting in the country mentioned in the title bar of the application) you will get a menu of orders to enter.

But the map moves when I try to long click the units, and nothing happens!

Press the menu button, select 'Preferences' and try different values for 'Long click sensitivity' until you find one that suits your taste.

I am unable to pinch to zoom, how can I select my units?

In the preferences you can select 'Show zoom buttons', which will give you a '+' and a '-' button in the map view that enables you to zoom in or out without using pinch.

Why do I keep getting the "This game client is too old..." message? I have upgraded!

For some reason Android sometimes doesn't clean up the old installation properly when you upgrade. Try uninstalling and then reinstalling the application.

I am told I need to upgrade my client, but there is no updated version on the Android Market?

Sometimes Android Market is really bad at disseminating new versions. I have no idea why. In these cases you may have more luck if you download the installation file directly from http://droidippy.oort.se/web/static/Droidippy.apk.

I am getting really annoying errors about the server experiencing errors, or that the server did not respond as expected. Fix it!

Chances are that I have already fixed it. Try to upgrade to the latest Market version, and if that doesnt help use http://droidippy.oort.se/web/static/Droidippy.apk.

If that doesn't help either send me an email to droidippy-mod@oort.se.

For some reason I am unable to leave the preferences dialog. Maybe 'back' does nothing, and maybe if I restart the app it will bring me back to the preferences... what to do?

To alleviate this problem (which is really a bug in your phone, scouts honor!) I have made the preferences dialog close if you click the version tag at the bottom.

Incidentally, it will also copy the version string to your clipboard so as you can send me the proper version of the app when you report bugs and ask for help :D

I no longer get notifications in my phone. Instead I get emails. Please send me notifications like before!

To send notifications I use a Google service named C2DM. The phone registers to C2DM and then sends the subscription ID to the server which uses the subscription to send you notifications.

The reason you get emails is that the server either has no subscription ID for you, or that C2DM claims the subscription ID is invalid. If your phone is turned off for too long, for example, the subscription ID may get marked as invalid.

If the notifications only fail for you and not everyone else chances are that it is either your subscription or C2DM that is at fault.

In both cases it may help to resubscribe to the C2DM service. This will happen if you reboot the phone or if you uninstall and reinstall the game.

If none of these solutions work for you, please contact me at droidippy-mod@oort.se so that I can try and see what the problem is.

How can I install this game on an Android device that doesn't have Android Market?

The latest Droidippy client for Android is always published at http://droidippy.oort.se/web/static/Droidippy.apk, both because Android Market is sometimes slow to update when I need to push a new version and to enable devices without Market to install it.

Note however that the authentication system is still Google, so you still need a Google account on the device.

If you have more questions just add comments to this entry and I will add the question and the reply to the Q&A above.


  1. When I try to move/select a unit, the map keeps shaking. I cannot play if I cannot submit orders.

  2. Ah, you are not the first one to complain about this. The problem is that for some people it is annoying if you get the order menu when what you really wanted was to move the map.

    The solution was simple, as it usually is. Now you can configure the sensitivity of the long click in the preferences.

  3. I started playing a game and I was talking to the other countries when my phone told me that I had to force close the game. Now I can't get back in. What should I do to continue playing?

  4. Lets do it by email. Send me the version of Droidippy that you have installed, along with a description of what happens when you try to get back in, to info@oort.se. If you want to be extra extra helpful, install the app http://market.android.com/details?id=org.jtb.alogcat and run it after a force close, and if you can identify the bit of log detailing the force close, paste it in the email.

  5. The app just keeps loading and loading and nothing is accomplished. I'll try to send the app to you but I am somewhat technologically impaired so I don't know hoe successful I'll be.

  6. Please send me the version number of your installed app to info@oort.se, so that I can both see the version number, and start communicating with you in a more efficient manner :D

  7. Boy, do I feel stupid. The info@oort.se account seems to have been broken. No mail to that address went anywhere except back to the sender again.

    Now it should be fixed. Please try again if you tried and failed before...

    Sorry about that.

  8. any special reason that i shouldn't be able to push commit in the adjustment phase?

  9. Good point, I will add this to the FAQ!

    Basically the game will assume that you have committed if you committed last phase and you have no orders to give this phase, which happens if you have no units (movement phase), have no imbalance of supply centers (adjustment phase) or have no dislodged units (retreat phase).

  10. Help! I have two games going but when I click on the one game, the other one gets loaded. (Turkey, Fall 1905 movement) Can't access Fall 1904 (adjustment) Game. What can I do?

  11. I'll look at it when I wake up for real (just woke up to comfort a screaming baby now), in the mean time make sure you have the latest version installed (that's what I'll be using to try and recreate your problem).

  12. Hiya Martin. No further problems! I have another question though. Is it possible to have a time-lapse graphic posted here or perhaps in the app after a game is over to show how the game progressed? It wouldn't really serve much purpose or improve game play, but I bet it would look pretty cool.... thanks!

    By the way; hope the, baby is well!

  13. dmstarr: An interesting idea! One thing that can serve that purpose right now, I think, is the beta web interface at http://droidippy.oort.se where you can move through phases more rapidly (usually) than with your phone.

    Otherwise I suggest you post that suggestion on the Google Moderator for Droidippy at http://www.google.com/moderator/#16/e=9423e

    Right now I am on vacation however, so don't expect anything the next month or so :D

    And yeah, the baby is well, she is enjoying Thailand like nobodies business!

  14. Havin some problems with convoy. Whenever I try to convoy a unit, nothing happens. Could it be me? I've tried doing it a bunch of different ways, and always the same result.

  15. Liking it! Only started playing but well done!

  16. duke: The way to do it is to tell all fleets on the convoy path to convoy the army the entire path, and tell the army to move the entire path!

  17. Forgive me if this is not the appropriate place to ask but do I have to leave this app running? more specifically if I run out of battery or kill the app will it quit my games?

  18. No problem, this place is fine! And no, as long as the game is installed you will get notifications, and you are in each game until it ends :)

  19. Same thing for me, convoy didnt work last round and i got totally screwed :(

    I wrote right my orders, moved my army on foot in Edinburgh to Belgium via convoy on north sea and... nothing. My army stayed on position although the orders were right. I didn't receive my extra reinforcments either.

    And i'm not the only one in the game whos been screwed by convoy. Italy did the same thing with Tunes, and same for him, his troops stayed right they were before the convoy...

    wtf? there's an obvious bug with convoy

  20. I never had trouble with convoying, but unfortunately I am unable to give fancier support than this right now since I don't have access to any computer for the next three weeks :/

    I am sorry that you experience problems, though. Try to download jDip (found with google) and try out your order situations using it. I am using jDip as adjudicator, so anything that works with jDip should work in Droidippy.

  21. Well i tried your software (very usefull btw, thanks for the tip) with the exact same orders and it's working :(

    But not ingame, not really cool bugged convoy when you are England :-P

  22. Well, if you want to I can try to check why this happened when I'm back from my vacation, but right now it is impossible I'm afraid :/

    Is anyone else having problems with convoys?

  23. This app is like 10 times better than www.playdiplomacy.com, I can't believe I'm still paying for that. Sleek, simple, and the inability to quit games is key. two questions: is kiel supposedto be passable via fleet? And, do convoy orders go through if a fleet us attacked but not dislodged? I think it's yes and yes, but just looking for clarification.

  24. Thank you for the praise!
    The answers are indeed yes and yes :)

  25. Found an error. Germany: Hol > Lon via nth, nor sup nth.

    England: nwg > nth sup by bel.

    Move failed even though convoy in nth was not dislodged.

  26. As I am on vacation I am unable to check your game for what happened, but if you download and install jDip (found via google) you can check the moves there, I use jDip as an adjudicator in the game, anything that works with jDip should work with Droidippy.

  27. I saw a convoy problem as well. Fortunately it wasn't me. A convoy from livonia to Sweden via the gulf of bothnia met with a fleet moving from Denmark to Sweden (unsupported), rather than a bounce, the fleet moved from Denmark to Sweden and the convoy didn't work.

  28. It seems I will have to check out how jDip handles convoys when I am back from my vacation. In the mean time the only advice I can give you is to try it yourself with jDip, and see what it does right, and what wrong :/

  29. Ok, I just built a tool for me to simplify checking out your problems while I'm on vacation. If someone wants me to look in on their convoy problems, for example, send me an email at info@oort.se and tell me your account name and what game and phase it happened (and what happened, of course)!

  30. Hi Martin,
    Great work bringing this classic game to Andriod.

    Is it possible to display the map with the names as shown on playdiplomacy.com & webdiplomacy.net?

    Not a huge issue, but it is certainly taking me some re-adjusting.

    Thanks again,

    Glen in Australia

  31. Thanks for the praise, Glen!

    Well, at the moment it is not possible.

    The reasoning for this is that since this is not Diplomacy (copyright etc Hasbro) but merely a compatible game, I have made my own map.

    I am not sure if using identical names would make me more sensitive to lawsuits, but until a lawyer tells me it is safe I will likely use the map as it is..

  32. fun game... been addicted over the weekend. can't log on now though... afraid i'm gonna miss committing... is the sever down or something?

  33. It works for me right now, are you still having problems?

  34. Hi Martin, thanks for the work you put in to this!

    Is it possible to set up a game where I play all players? I and some friends want to get together and play the board game, and use Droidippy as the reference (resolve each turn).

    Unfortunately only I have an Android phone, so we can't use invitational game.


  35. Thank you, I am happy that you like it!

    As of now that is hard. You could say that the functionality you mention has fallen victim to my ambition to make it hard to cheat..

    But there is a better way! Use jDip (find it on the google). Droidippy uses jDip as adjudicator, so the basic functionality is the same, but jDip is more or less made for what you talk about :D

  36. Hej Martin, thanks for the answer. I will use jDip instead!

    Best wishes and keep up the good work! I think I will use Droidippy on my own anyway! :)

  37. Good luck! I think you will like jDip, I find it to be excellent.

    Yeah, jDip lacks the "find people to play with"-service that I hope Droidippy does well :D

  38. I am currently playing a game. We are in year nine and have had nine warnings of probation. If a player is only good enough to commit orders once every twentyfive hours then we will have a probation wait every other turn.

    I suggest adding a second tier to probation. The first tier is simply as it is now, the game does not wait for a person on probation to commit. The second tier is enabled after a probation player has commited properly.The second tier will give a grace period of one hour after all other nonprobation players have commited. If the probation playermust commit within the hour or will be skipped and will remain on second tier probation. Being skipped two movement phases in a row will cause yhe probation to be elevated to tier one. Commiting two movement phases in a row willlift the probatiin.

  39. ConstableBrew:

    I am not sure I understand your suggestion completely, but I know that if a player only commits every second phase on time you will not have to play against that player again if you yourself commit at least ten out of eleven phases on time.

    This makes me think that your problem will be unlikely to occur in any of your following games, if you play seriously yourself :D

    Also, a more likely reason (than someone missing every other deadline) why you get so many phase timeout warnings is that some of the players in your game use every available minute to think about and/or discuss their moves, which I can't really begrudge them.

    I hope this response helped you. Since I am not 100% sure I understood your suggestion to begin with I invite you to keep explaining to me, but perhaps via email to info@oort.se?

  40. If I've been eliminated from a game how do I keep from seeing future turns? It says its "unsilenced" how do I silence it?

  41. Long click the game in the list should give you the option!

  42. That worked, thanks. Is that written some where and I just missed it? Because I know another player had the same problem.

  43. No, I have just forgotten to put it here in the FAQ. But now I have remedied that lack!

    It's not completely transparent how it works, unfortunately, but I hope people find it now :D

  44. Anyone have an issue with a game ending abruptly? Currently in a game where no one has clearly won and it is now in my finished games list. None of the players know how this happened.

  45. kc:
    Send me an email to info@oort.se where you tell me your google account and which game it is that ended like that, this is something I should look into.

  46. Awesome app. Love it! Totally addicted. Great work!

    Is there any way to add knicknames to players/accounts so you can tell if you've played with someone before?

    Also is there a way you can keep/view stats? Wins/losses/draws etc?

    Thanks so much for the app!

  47. mttmvp:
    Thanks for the praise!

    Regarding nicknames: No, right now there is no way to do that. I want it to be impossible to use any game mechanics to identify players. If players are to be identified they must tell you their identity themselves. However, I am in the process of trying to figure out a way to "friend" players, and use that to set up future games with people you like playing with.

    Regarding stats: Yes, go to http://droidippy.oort.se and check your stats there!

  48. I'm getting the "too old" message since the last upgrade when I check my messages. Like in the FAQ I've uninstalled an reinstalled(several times) but I'm still getting the forced closure. What do I try next?
    Ps- Love the app.

  49. Yeah, this sucks. I can only refer to the newest entry on this FAQ:

    Sometimes Android Market is really bad at disseminating new versions. I have no idea why. In these cases you may have more luck if you download the installation file directly from http://droidippy.oort.se/web/static/Droidippy.apk.

  50. Thanks, that worked

  51. Ok. Not getting the forced closure from the direct install but now my games are cross referenced. I have 3 games going but when I select one I go to another. Its like it off by one game. This happens with alerts too, where it sends me that a diiferent game. Its playable but how do I fix it? I've reinstalled the direct link once but that didn't change it.

  52. Dave:
    Right! I found it. It is yet another bug from my merge of the map/order/results view with the chat.

    Hopefully the improvements for tablet owners will be worth this hassle with bugs and updates :(

    I released a new version anyway, that should fix it. As usual (nowadays) you can find the new version at http://droidippy.oort.se/web/static/Droidippy.apkif Market is not yet updated.

  53. This is a great game. I am having a problem,recently, with the game closing. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall, but I am still having a problem. Can anyone suggest a fix?

  54. chaos75:
    Make sure you have the newest version of the app. You need at least 2.50, and if Market is unable to produce it (damn slow updating piece of crap) go to http://droidippy.oort.se/web/static/Droidippy.apk to fetch it!

  55. To anyone interested:
    Right now I have updated the server and the client to new versions. Updating is required.

    Since Android Market is not yet able to distribute the new version (even if I did upload it at the same time I restarted the server...) I recommend using http://droidippy.oort.se/web/static/Droidippy.apk to update.

    Since I am also unable (thanks, Google!) to update this FAQ blog entry, I will write this here, hoping that commenting works at least.

    Stay tuned.

  56. I have a samsung epic and whenever I slide out the keyboard in the message area I get kicked out to the map or sometimes get a forced closure. Any idea would that would be.

  57. Dave:
    I would need a stacktrace, I think. Install http://market.android.com/details?id=org.jtb.alogcat and run it while the app force closes, then copy the relevant part of the log and send it to info@oort.se.

  58. This game is great. Any chance the colonial version will be made as a game option?

  59. chaos75:
    Sure it's possible, but it is not really at the top of the list, and it is a fair bit of work.. but the more people that ask for it the greater the chances I do it!

  60. Great game.

    would it be possible to set some status icons next to a country in the comms area.
    the icons would be to show to yourself what status the country is to you; at war, ally, non-aggression treaty and maybe unreliable and reliable.

    running multiple games this would help a lot, giving a quick overview.


  61. Payman:
    How would the game system know who is you friend?
    In many games you end up being an ally with someone having attacked you, or owning provinces you previously owned - sometimes even your home provinces.

  62. you set it your own status by long-clicking the country. it is just a reminder to yourself and should not visible to anyone else.

    BTW: premium fee - what do I get for the money. how many games can be played sim. in free version?
    I rather pay 1-3 euro for a premium app in Market as a ometimer than a monthly fee.
    the game is good so I think people would Pay for the app.

  63. Payman:
    An interesting idea. Get some more people to ask me for it and I may build it :-)

    Regarding payment questions I refer you to http://www.oort.se/2011/08/droidippy-gameplay-faq.html#payment

  64. Game crashes when I'm on the map view and I rotate my phone to go between landscape and portrait modes.

    If I submit a crash report when the app crashes, do you actually receive them or do they go straight to Google?

  65. Harvey:
    Do you have the latest version? 3.9 shouldn't have that problem.
    I get them alright, so sending them does help. No way for me to reply to them though, so you probably won't know I got them :)

  66. Great app so far!

    1) it would be nice if there was haptic feedback upon long clicking on your unit. Other apps generally do this.

    2) I'm getting some strange keyboard behavior in the chatroom. Is the box where I enter my text configured as a literal text box? My keyboard does not automatically correct my typos as I type when I write my messages.

  67. I literally got the update right after I made that post :)

  68. Is there a way to make the scrolling and zooming of the map smoother?

  69. Harvey:
    Ah, haptic feedback. I can do that. It's on the todo list.

    I think you are right, I haven't configured the chat text box properly. Putting that also on the list.

    Regarding the scrolling and zooming - right now the only way is to get a faster phone. I have a friend who claims he will fix it by some complicated pre-rendering and stuff, but we'll see.

    Love the nickname, by the way.

  70. Thanks Martin. By the way I sent the guys over at DiplomacyCast.com an email about your app!

  71. It would also be nice if there was some notation in the game name that tells you the deadline intervals. Something like "24/12"

  72. All random games are 24/12 so that would be a bit redundant for those, but I could introduce it for invitational games where the creator sets the intervals.

  73. The thing is that there's nothing in the app itself that indicates that random games are 24/12. You have to search around the website to find that out. That information should be right in your face in the app.

  74. Harvey:
    Good point. But does it matter that much? Personally I think the deadline for the current phase is the most mportant thing.
    But sure, I will do something about it :)

  75. Harvey:
    New version out with phase length mentioned on random game join, visible phase length for non standard length games and haptic feedback on the map.

  76. Harvey:
    Also, the edit box for the chat is possibly more to your liking now!

  77. Thanks for the updates!

    1) I was actually looking for a reminder of the phase length in game name once you're already in a game.

    2) I'm currently in a random game where 4 players NMRed spring 1901... can this game be killed?

    3) I think you should be able to quit a game that you've joined if it has not yet started.

    4) does the game ignore the intents of players in probation? If so, the 3 active players in my game can just agree to a draw between us.

  78. Harvey:

    1) Yeah, well you have it for all games with non-standard phase length. The interface became too cluttered when I added phase length to all game names.

    2) Yeah, if all remaining players choose draw or surrender.

    3) You can, if it is invitational. If you could do it with random games they would take even LONGER to get started, and so would make even MORE people decide to quit them, which would make them take EVEN LONGER to get started, etc. It is a harsh decision, but I think it is necessary to get games going as fast as possible.

    4) Yes, players on probation are ignored.

  79. Also, it might make more sense for the "phases" menu to be called "history" instead

  80. Okay thanks for the clarifications. Regarding 3), I'd rather wait longer for a game where I'm sure that all 7 players actually want to be there instead of starting a game faster with people who wanted to leave.

  81. Harvey:

    Yeah, I can rename the "Phases" menu option to "History", no problem.

    Ah yeah, but when you have reached a reasonable reliability rating you will be in that kind of game anyway. The first game you play is more or less just to prove that you are reliable. Lots of NMR in those games. But as soon as you reach reliability rating 10 or above the games will be much much more interesting, and with almost no NMR at all. And in light of this it makes sense to let people prove themselves quickly, since the first game will be crap anyway.

  82. Harvey:
    I couldn't be arsed to make a whole new release just for this, but if you want a version with the Phases menu item renamed to History, fetch http://droidippy.oort.se/web/static/Droidippy.apk

    It will be in the next released version though.

  83. No problem. It was just a small cosmetic thing. I can wait for the next official release :-)

  84. Please help. For some reason the game I was playing just stopped and is now listed as finished. Shame too cos I was just getting into that. And now I can't even start another game as it is just listed as,finished. Please help. Cheers.

  85. Geek Pie:
    I have no idea who you are, or what game you are talking about. You have to send me an email where you tell me these things!

  86. The confirmation messages when giving orders are slow to appear and slow to fade.

  87. Harvey:
    Slow to appear is due to slow internet connection. Slow to fade is to give you time to read them. You can turn them off in preferences!

  88. Ok. I'll email you at info@oort.se.


  89. Hmm, I get the same slow to appear behavior when I'm on my wireless connection at home. Anyway, I've turned them off.

    Got another bug report: During adjustments, I am able to long click on centers that I control, but are not my home centers nor home centers of any country (centers such as Serbia and Greece) and issue build orders. Building in these centers is never a legal move and the menu should be disabled.

  90. Harvey:
    Ah, I thought you meant the ones saying things like "A move order can not have the same source and destination province", but you mean the ones saying things like "Select where to move"? The latter don't require network traffic, so if they are slow it's just weird. They are fast for me. Does anyone else have that problem?

    And that bug report, it was just due to my own laziness, I didn't bother building a lot of rule awareness into the client since the server was so well aware of all the rules anyway. But just to make you happy, Harvey, I have released a new version that no only refuses to receive build orders for non-home provinces, it also refuses to receive convoy orders for fleets in coastal provinces! :D

  91. I have a game created where 6 other friends joined using the invitation code. I see "(7/7 members) on the game but it doesn't seem to have started yet. Is there something I need to do or does the game start automatically?

  92. Eddie:
    It starts automatically. If it is not present among your games needing orders after you restarted the app, send me an email at info@oort.se telling me about your account name!

  93. I was unable to cancel a build order of F StP SC. A workaround is to replace the build with A StP and then cancel that.

  94. Harvey:
    I will look into it on monday, thanks for the report.
    How did it look? Was there no Cancel alternative, or did the Cancel just not work?

  95. Thanks. The cancel option was there, but it didn't do anything.

  96. Harvey:
    I _think_ it should work now. I have made a change that should fix it, but I am not in a phase where I can test it and I don't have the time to do it at the moment.
    When I get the time I will try it for myself, but if you have the possibility to test it for me I would be obliged :)

  97. Harvey:
    Ok, after testing it I can conclude that it is now possible to cancel a fleet build order on a coast. You have to click the right coast to get the cancel alternative though, but that was the case before as well - the difference is that if you get a cancel alternative it will WORK :D

  98. Harvey:
    Thank you for being an active and caring user :D

  99. :-D Got some more for you.

    The user should not be presented with the option to build fleets in a landlocked home center.

    I love the ffeature of saving your unfinished chat when you switch to another screen. However, I've had the experience a couple of times when I couldn't get rid of the saved text! It would remain in the text box, forcing me to erase it before typing my next message. The saved text would not go away even after I've sent a different message to that player.

    I've seem to have lost the ability to scroll through the text box and the chat page itself if I'm in the middle of typing a large message (as I often do)

    The order of the messages in the chat are messed up sometimes. Certain messages are sometimes duplicated later in the conversation.

    I've recently begun to experience some freezes in data loads where the app gets stuck. Pressing back and retrying just gets me stuck again. I have to force stop the app and restart for it to work.

  100. Harvey:

    I will remove the option to build fleets in landlocked centers.

    I have never had the problem where saved text is not removed - but I will look at the code and try to figure out why it happens :O

    I have not experienced the problem with being unable to scroll? I will look at it, but I have no idea what it could be so no promises...

    The chat message order is strictly the order in which they were created on the server, even if the phone sometimes adds a message before the server gets it just to give the impression of being fast :)

    If you can show me a game and a channel where you have duplicated messages even when they are loaded fresh from the server I can try to figure out what happened..

    The freezes I have only experienced when the data connection is crappy, never otherwise? How often does it happen? Does it always happen when you do something special?

  101. Harvey:

    I just released a new version that may fix the saved text issue. Though I can't be certain since I never had it myself :O

  102. First, I want to thank you again for the great game. I gave been asking, in my games, if anyone wants the colonial version and a lot of people are interested. However, I suspect few people actually have contacted you and asked for it. Have you given anymore thought to possibly creating the colonial game?

  103. chaos75:
    Yeah, few people ask directly about it.
    And well, I have thought about it. But my time is quite limited, and this is a big and complicated change. Right now I tend to prioritize adding functionality and features to the map I have rather than spending time on supporting more maps with essentially the same gameplay :/

  104. What are the rules for a created game? For instance, I created a game with my brother. Now, do I have to invite people or can they join randomly?

  105. Hunter Chastain:
    You have to invite people specifically, or spread the invitation code in (for example) the forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/droidippy

  106. hi. suddenly I cannot copy text from the orders window :-( This used to work. I can copy press. Are there anything I can do about it?

    1. What does the version code at the bottom of your preferences say?

    2. 3.100/e90e2fe583116ff4c7e55879d988a560baaa9624

    3. Hm, that is something I changed in version 3.99 because someone had your exact problem. It might be that your version of Android (what version is that, out of interest?) and his are in exact conflict - so that whatever makes the text selectable for you makes it unselectable for him and vice versa :/

    4. Android 2.3.5

      very strange that it only fails in the orders window.

      And it has worked - but as you mention, you have "fixed" something directly related to it. I have asked two other players in the current game, they cant copy either.

    5. I will have to look into that, but right now I am flummoxed. Not easy trying to fix a problem where two separate solutions work exclusively with two separate versions of the OS :/

    6. this sounds really strange. its some years ago since I worked with application development, but I think there is a hint in the fact that the poblem only occurs in the orders window.

    7. Well, the orders window and the chat windows used to do it the same way (by being disabled EditText instances with TextView layout), but when I got the report about someone being unable to select/copy from the orders window I changed it into a TextView with textIsSelectable=true, which made it work for Android 4+.

      I never changed it for the chat windows, so probably those still don't work in Android 4. But at least they work for you! A stupid sort of fair.

  107. I started a game and can't get anyone to play. I want to join a random game but i cant find a way to close the game i started is their a way to close a game that you start?

    1. If you are the only one committing orders the game will end with you as winner, and then you can start a new game without delay.

      And no, there is no way to close a started game. That would make games horrible - people would quit them the moment they got in trouble...

  108. Great app. I have two questions. Are prearranged alliances allowed or not? How to surrender?

    1. Prearranged alliances are really bad for the game, but hard to enforce a ban of.

      If someone admits to it I will warn them, though.

      You can surrender by choosing the surrender option as intent, but it won't stop the game or anything, it will just end it earlier if your surrender is enough to determine a winner.

  109. I've cranked long click up to maximum sensitivity, and then clicked the army for 3 seconds, but nothing happened. The screen didn't shake. It seemed as though I wasn't touching thephone at all. However, I can still move the map zoom and enter conferences, I just can't commit orders.

    1. Actually the whole long click rigmarole is long since redundant. I kept the option to long click to not break the way people use the app, but nowadays you should be able to just tap the units to give them orders.

      Just to make sure: Have you tried that? :)

    2. Actually the whole long click rigmarole is long since redundant. I kept the option to long click to not break the way people use the app, but nowadays you should be able to just tap the units to give them orders.

      Just to make sure: Have you tried that? :)

    3. Do you think that it would be possible to have old school written commands?

    4. What phone are you using? I haven't heard about anyone having trouble with entering commands since way way back...

      I guess I could add old school written commands, but the client is open source, so any one could do it and send me the patches :) Are you volunteering?

      My time is very limited, and I need to spend the better part of it on stuff that pays the rent :/

      You can also try the web interface at http://droidippy.oort.se

    5. I was using the Motorola Xoom tablet, but after rebooting it worked.

  110. Is there anything else I need to do after committing my orders? The game has not progressed since yesterday and I feel it is my fault.

    1. No, if you have pressed commit the game is waiting for everyone else to do likewise (or for the timer to run out).

    2. Good. Thanks. Timer down to 3 hrs left and still no progress. As longs as I'm not holding it up.

  111. Hi can i make invitional game public after my friends join?

    1. No, but you can publish it on http://groups.google.com/group/droidippy

  112. I've only been playing this on this app for a day, and i already love it! Quick question, if other people don't commit orders in the first season, are they kicked out of that game?

    1. No, not kicked out, just put on probation so that the game doesn't wait for them before resolving phases.

  113. hi, love the app. I recently bought a kindle fire HD, which does not have access to the android market. I tried to download the apk from the above link, but was unable to successfully download. any ideas? I would love to play this on a larger screen.

    1. What happened when you tried to download? I just tried the link, and it worked?

  114. I got it to download, however running it seems to be a different matter. whenever I attempt to launch it I get an error message saying that the file can't be opened.

    1. Strange.

      Have you checked the box in settings that allows you to install apps from other sources?

      Have you created a Google account for the device?

    2. Okay, so I downloaded it, did a quick Google search and realized that it wouldn't install on it's own. I downloaded an app to let me manually install the app, which worked. I can now open the app, but it tells me that I need a Google account to play. I honestly don't know if I can have a Google account active on a kindle and the search giant hasn't been very helpful thus far in finding out. is there any way to manually enter my info in the app itself?

    3. Right now a built in Google account is the only way, sorry :/

      The web works, of course, but not as spiffy: http://droidippy.oort.se

  115. How do you convoy an army across multiple fleets

    1. You tell the army to move the entire route, and each fleet on the route to convoy the army the entire route.

  116. Hi. In my game only me and 1 other country are playing. What do I have to do to join another game without losing my progress?
    (I don't know if the question was asked before, but it's not in the FAQ and I do not have a possibility to search this site on my mobile)

    1. Join another game at any time if you pay the premium fee, or wait until this game is finished if not.

      You can end the game early if you both give up, or draw with each other.

  117. When building a fleet where 2 bodies of water are concerned, how do you choose East coast over West coast or North over South or vice versa? Playing as Russia and building a fleet in St Petersburg, it would only allow me to place in the Gulf instead of the Sea.

    1. If you click the northern coast you will build there, if you click the western coast you will build there. The fleet silhouette will show you where the build is.

  118. I have a problem. I'm not able to build but I can build two units. Just moves the map and preferences doesn'twork. Help?

    1. Perhaps you have no empty home supply centers?

    2. I can build two units it tells me but I click on a open center and it does nothing

    3. I don't know.. I'm in fall 1904 adjustment phase.

    4. Long click the game in the list, and tell me the id.

    5. "Perhaps you have no empty home supply centers?"

      You don't.

      You should read the rules.

    6. I'm so sorry for wasting your time.thank you so much for all the work you have done to this. My apologies.

    7. No sweat, just make sure to familiarize yourself with the rules :D

  119. In the original board game I believe convoying does not cost the fleet its turn. Is it possible to do this in the app? It seems that convoy is a turn in itself, this very much reduces the ability of England to get outside of its own borders and reduces the effectiveness of fleets...

    1. What, do you mean a fleet can move and convoy at the same time? You have it confused with some other game - that has never been possible in dippy...

    2. Sorry I was assuming you were trying to replicate the diplomacy board game, which would be a good idea!

    3. Well, the Diplomacy game has never had such a rule...

    4. The one I've played for years does. Maybe you have a more recent version. In fact I can't see them having changed it as convoy+support is such an integral part of the strategy that they wouldn't change it

    5. I believe you are mistaken.

    6. There has never been that ability in diplomacy for a fleet to move after convoying in the same turn!

      Amazing app by the way. Brings back memories of my childhood

  120. I have several friends who play diplomacy, but they have phones. Is there an ios app? If so, can we play together cross platform?

    1. I would of course contend that Android devices are also phones ;)

      But no, no iOS app yet (next version is in the works, and will work on iOS, but not for another year or more...) - but there IS a pure web version: http://droidippy.oort.se/

    2. I meant IPhones. Stupid autocorrect! Thanks for the answer.

  121. I have a question. So I have boight the year service if this app which is fantastic since I can play multiple games. And several of those games have ended a while ago and some of those I have won. But under my stats it shows basically nothing except one game as turkey I got survival. I was wondering how I can get the win stats I deserved?

    1. http://www.oort.se/2011/08/droidippy-web-faq.html#stats likely answers your question.

  122. Is there a way I can logout on the phone version?

  123. I can't commit my moves because where the commit buutton should be, there is an 'unsaved orders' button. How do I fix that?

    1. Restart the app, check that all orders you wanted to send are on the map, then see if you can click commit.

      Unsaved orders means that the server has not yet verified that your orders are saved.

  124. So I am trying to invite somebody to a game I created. They are already playing other games. But when I try yo invite them it says they aren't in system. When I sent them the invitation code it told them invalid code. What am I doing wrong?

    1. In the first case, you must be entering the wrong address. In the second case, either you gave them the wrong code, or they entered it wrong...

  125. How does the country preference work? I consistently get my bottom choice or second to bottom choice. Love the app BTW much better than other online versions.

    1. Check out http://droidippy.oort.se/web#utilities, it is a web version of the exact same code.

      Cool that you like it - keep your eyes peeled for the next generation Droidippy: diplicity. Coming to a device near you within 6-24 months or so...

  126. Ok...I'm new to this, and this is gonna sound stupid, but is there a handbook attached to the app somewhere?

    1. Only http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Diplomacy/Rules

  127. I cant figure out how to support a move. If I try to support a moving unit I either support them to stay in the original province or support the enemy unit I am trying to dislodge. How do I do this?

    1. You click on the unit that supports, then the one you support, then where the supported unit is moving (unless you support a hold, in which case you click the supported unit again).

  128. Just finished a game where everyone else bailed when things looked bad for them. So the game just stopped with no orders comjng in except mine. What happens now, do I get credit for a win and can I join another game if this one still shows as open? BTW, this is a great adaptation of yhe game for the Android plstform.

    1. If this was your first game, it was a game with other untested players which both explains why everyone bailed and prevents you from getting credit from the win.

      If you have managed to commit at least 10 phases on time, you will have enough reliability (check http://droidippy.oort.se/web#stats to make sure that you have reliability 10) to join a game with more seasoned players that don't bail as quickly.

  129. Hi Martin. A game I was playing just ended without a clear winner and we are wondering what happened. There are three active players left and no one has the required 18 territories. The order screen does not indicate a winner or why the game ended. Can you help us out? Thanks!

    1. Oh duh, sorry. 15980. And his come my reliability is zero? I'm certain I committed all orders. Thanks!

    2. Perhaps it was your first game?

      The results view of the game says "Germany is only active member left and wins. Finished.", so I guess everyone else didn't commit.

    3. Lol. I've been playing for years and I know I'm not that bad! I even won playing Italy once! It's also weird that I can't see the results view. The last thing I see is the results before the retreat and my orders page asks me for input. *sigh*... On to the next one I guess. :-)

    4. Go back one phase and look at the results view, you'll see it there.

      As to why you reliability is low: It only happens if you miss deadlines :/

  130. I wanted to test a move on Jdip but in order to run Jdip I have to use a computer, is this correct? I spend 200 a month on a tablet phone so I dont have to have a pc....any way to run it on an android platform?

  131. I am unable to chat. I receive the others messages can read them but can't write down a reply!?

  132. Hi. I paid for a one month premium service, and I'd like to renew it. But for some reason PayPal isn't working... What happens if my service runs out before I renew it? Will it automatically kill my currently running games? I'm heavily invested in three ongoing games... I really hope not. Please let me know!

    1. It will just prevent you from joining, never throw you out of games you are already in.
